What I Learned from the Clouds in Valencia

I was sitting outside the town hall on a Saturday afternoon in Valencia, during the winter in the middle of January.

Once we pass the New Year and the celebration of the Three Wise Men in Spain, winter skies in January leave a gloomy aftertaste. Gone is the anticipation of the Christmas holidays. Broken are many resolutions people draft on the arbitrary date of January 1st. Returning to our routine sometimes feels like waking up from a hangover.

And on this overcast Saturday in January, I had said goodbye to someone at the train station hours before.

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My ABCs of Traveling: The Best Local Food, Top Tours, Longest Journey, and More

One of my favorite travel bloggers, Young Adventuress, wrote this post about travel ABCs eons ago. How did I find it? Travel research. It looked fun, so here we go: ABCs of Traveling. Vamos!

A: Age you went on your first international trip

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33 Photos of Tejeda, My Favorite Village in Gran Canaria

When I meet people who are new to Gran Canaria, and ask where they should go, I always tell them to visit Tejeda.

Tejeda is in the center of the island, tucked in the mountains. Getting there is not easy: you have to drive through narrow roads that should be one-way streets, roads with curves so strong they’d put camel humpbacks to shame.

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24 Pictures of Puerto de Mogán, the Little Venice of Gran Canaria

Imagine this: you wake up in a colorful port town with white houses drenched in colorful flowers wherever you go.

Imagine you could almost taste the salt water in the air, as you walked past boat after boat after boat.

Imagine cloudless skies, summer sun rays …

And you have the whole place to yourself.

That’s how my trip to Puerto de Mogán started.

Continue reading “24 Pictures of Puerto de Mogán, the Little Venice of Gran Canaria”